(no subject)

Aug 13, 2004 13:42

1. First name: Lindsey
2. Middle name: Michelle
3. Nickname: too many
4. Gender: just another chick.
5. Do you wear glasses or contacts? both
6. Is your hair long or short? a lil past my sholders
7. Where were you born? omaha, Nebraska
8. Current location: tucson, arizona
9. Zodiac sign: sagittarius
10. Chinese Zodiac symbol: umm i think its a dragon
11. How many languages do you know? 4.. but not all fluently
12. Nationality: white
13. Write a full physical description of yourself: not so sure about the full description, but eh hmm, green/hazel eyes, dark brown hair, 5'5 or 5'6, i have my ears pierced 7 times, i have bangs now.. sounds good
12. Do you have any allergies, diseases, or other physical weaknesses? asthma a lil
15. Do you have any quirks, strange mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics? probably
16. What does your voice sound like? a voice
17. Ready for a bunch more questions? bring it on.

18. Saying: homosexuals are gay
19. Sport: soccer
20. Vegetable: brocolli.. however u spell it.
21. Fruit: banana
22. Magazine: alternative press (ap)
23. Actor: adam sandler
24. Actress: julia roberts
25. Candy: starburst
26. Candy bar: that one toffe one.. of symphany. or sumthin. its really good.
27. Ice cream flavor: rocky road
28. Thing in your room: bed
29. Place to be: ha bed. sad i no or swimmin. i love swimmin.
30. Junk food: pretzels.. is that a junk food? i think
31. Store: it doesnt matter really
32. Fast food: taco bell. mmm
33. Restaurant: applebee's.. mmm
34. Time of day: 8 at nite
35. Country: australia
36. State: california.
37. Video game: halo... ha robbie
38. Board game: monopoly
39. Computer game: spider solitare
40. Car: a nice one
41. Music video: all the small things blink-182. very nice
42. Word: werd
43. Month: november
44. Cartoon character: taz
45. Scary movie: eh dont like those too much
46. Possession: my pillows
47. Web page: i dont care
48. Type of sandwich: grilled cheese
49. Commercial: wow. alot.
50. Way of wasting time: go online
51. Flavor of kool-aid: kiwi watermelon.. mm

The first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
52. Hot: travis
53. Orange: black
54. Choice: abortion
55. Bisexual: danielle
56. Black: cool
57. Ice: sluchie
58. Jack: ass
59. Rainbow: gay
60. Cherry: popping
61. Cucumber: ha whoa.. uhh next.
62. Shark: sharp teef
63. Bat: dark
64. Leather: cow
65. Whip: cream
66. Water: ocean
67. Volcano: lava

This or That...
68. Linkin Park or Limp Bizkit: linkin park
69. Tool or Korn: both. they sound the same
70. Hot or cold: cold
71. Marilyn Manson or Rob Zombie: manson
72. MTV or VH1: mtv
73. Buffy or Angel: angel
74. Summer Olympics or Winter Olympics: winter
75. Skiing or snowboarding: boarding
76. Roller blading or skateboarding: skating
77. Black or white: black
78. Orange or red: orange
79. Yellow or green: green
80. Purple or pink: pink.. dont like purple
81. Slipknot or Mudvayne: slipknot
82. Hot Topic or Pac Sun: both
83. Inside or outside: inside
84. Weed or alcohol: neither
85. Cell phone or pager: cell
86. Pen or pencil: pen
87. Scooby Doo or Dino: dino
88. Chaos or order: a little bit o both
89. Now or later: now
90. Plan or surprise: suprises
91. Spit or swallow: spit
92. Hot tub or swimming pool: both are nice
93. Participate or observe: participate
94. Lead or follow: i dont like to be the leader, everyone looks are ure ass.. not fun
95. Coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
96. Lace or satin: satin. not into lace
97. Flowers or Candy: flowers
98. Scruff or Clean shaved: whichever
99. Blondes or Brunettes: i like dark hair.. but sumtimes light hair is hott too, whutever they got
100. Bitchy or Slutty: haha slutty. ha i love those slutty guys. ha not really
101. Optimistic or pessimistic: optimistic
102. Introverted or extroverted: yeah
103. Star Wars or Star Trek: star wars yo
104. Tattoos or piercings: hmm thats a hard one. man both are hott.
105. Slut or whore: arent they the same thing???

So moving right along...Substances
106. Do you smoke? no
107. Do you smoke weed? no
108. Ever trip on acid? no
109. How about a little x? okay thats a hell no
110. Crack, heroin, anything else? nope
111. Beer good or beer bad? ehh
112. Are you the sissy who drinks wine coolers? haha.. those are good, but have like 0.0000000000000000000000001% alcohol. its funny
113. Do you like smirnoff ice? its good
114. Prefer beer or liquor? liquor, even tho drinkin is bad yo

Would you ever...
115. Bungee jump? cha
116. Sky dive? yep
117. Swim with dolphins? yea
118. Scuba dive? done it
119. Go rock climbing? dont it
120. Turn your back on your friends for personal gain? no
121. Steal a friend's significant other? not on purpose..
122. Cross-dress? yeah, its fun.
123. Walk up to a stranger and kiss them? eh no
124. Be an exotic dancer? yea
125. Walk out of a restaurant without paying? thats sad
126. Streak? werd

Have you ever…
127. Flashed someone? yep
128. Been to California? ya
129. Gotten really REALLY wasted? ya
130. Gone to jail or juvi? no
131. Skateboarded? yup
132. Skinny dipped? yup
133. Stolen anything? yup
134. Wanted to kick my ass for posting this survey? nah
135. Pegged someone in the head with a snowball? ha yea
136. Gotten into a bar, under-aged? nope
137. Been to another country? ya
138. Given money to a homeless person? yup
139. Tried to kill yourself? ehh.. not really.
140. Cried to get out of trouble? yep. works.
141. Panicked? eh pry
142. Had an Anxiety attack? no
143. Dropped something on the floor that you were cooking and let someone eat it anyways? ha yea
144. Set any body part on fire for amusement? yup
145. Kept a secret from everyone? lots.
146. Had an imaginary friend?yup
147. Ever cried at a chick Flick? yea
148. Found a cartoon character attractive? yup
149. Called or seen a psychic? ha nope
150. Planned your week based on the TV Guide? no

Are you….

151. Schizophrenic? no
152. Obsessive? not really
153. Compulsive? yea sumtimes
154. Obsessive compulsive? ehhh
155. Depressed? yeah sumtimes.. i have my days.. or weeks

Do you….

156. Own a web cam? yup
157. Ever get off the damn computer? sumtimes
158. Sprechen Sie Deutsch? werd
159. Habla espanol? si hablo espanol
160. Go online for longer than eight hours at a time? no thats horrible

161. About flag burning? sad
162. Of the war on terrorists? is it ever gonna end?
163. About people who try to force their opinions on you? I try to force my opinions right fucking back!
164. What are your religious views? theres a god
165. What are your views on sex? wait til ure in love
166. What is the most evil thing any human being could do? dunno
167. Do you believe in the existence of soul mates and/or true love? yep
168. What do you believe makes a successful life? goals
169. What do you think about gay/lesbian couples being able to marry? they can do what they want. love is love!

The last time you…
170. Wished upon a star? a while ago
171. Laughed until you cried? a couple nights ago
172. Watched a sunrise/sunset? when nikkie was here
173. Spent quality time alone? last week
174. Read a book for fun? ha not sure about that one

175. What are you eating? nothing
176. What are you drinking? nothing
177. What are you wearing? tan shorts and a boue shirt
178. Any shoes on? nope
179. Listening to? a.f.i.
180. Talking to anyone? daniel and megan
181. What do you have in your pockets? schedule, lip gloss and a compact

Yes or No...
182. Are you a vegetarian? yes, but i slipped the other day
183. Are you a bitch? i can be
184. Are you artistic? i try
185. Do you write poetry? yes
186. Can you ski? ha i can, but not well
187. Can you snowboard? same as above
188. Do the voices talk to you? when they are awake
189. Did you ever give Barbie a haircut? yes
190. Do you think Lewis Carroll was on acid when she wrote alice in Wonderland? werd
191. Are you straight? yes
192. Are you fat? no
193. Are you skinny? no. megs gunna get mad at me for saying that
194. Are you short? eh yea
195. Are you tall? not compared to kids these days
196. Do you own any clothing that is hot pink? yes
197. Can you see the flying monkeys? on wizard of oz
198. Are you evil? sure
199. Did you ever know someone who had a mullet? yea
201. Are you secretly from another planet? yes. watch out
203. Are you a slut? no. despite what phil says
204. Do you eat at potlucks? sure.. i like food.
205. Do you talk a lot? yea mostly
206. Are you afraid of clowns? YES
207. Do you like spiders? well i am not scared of them, but i dont like them
208. Are you spoiled? .... yes. i am ....
209. Are you anti-social? not really
210. Do you see dumb people? yes. yes i do
211. Do you see dead people? yeah that 6th sense thing.
212. Do you remember any of your dreams? usually the ones i wake up in the middle of
213. Have any of your dreams came true? no.
214. Do you admit when you need help with a problem? sumtimes
215. Can people read you like a book? not to much
216. Are you lonely? not really.. eh sumtimes
217. Are you happy? somewhat
218. Are you talking to someone online? meg and dan
219. Are you ready for this survey to end? yes.

Relationships With Others….

220. In general, how do you treat others (politely, rudely, by keeping them at a distance, etc.)? however feels right
221. Does your treatment of them change depending on how well you know them, and if so, how? yeah, i dono. i guess
222. Who is the most important person in your life, and why? irena, i heart her. i would go crazy without her
223. Who is the person you respect the most, and why? pry my mom, even tho i dont show it all the time
224. Who are your friends? Do you have a best friend? i have alotta friends, irena is my numba one
225. Do you have a spouse or significant other? nope
226. Who would you turn to if you were in desperate need of help? irena, or frank.. or maybe meg. depending on whut it is.
227. Do you trust anyone to protect you? ya
228. If you died or went missing, who would miss you? people
229. Who is the person you despise the most, and why? i dont
230. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict? argue
231. Do you care what others think of you? not really.
232. What do you want more than anything else? a car. thatd be grand
233. Who makes you laugh the most? i laugh at evrything
234. Who makes you smile? .. people..
235. Who can make you feel better no matter what? frank
236. Who gives you a tingly feeling when you see them? haha.. no comment

Who was the last person…
237. You touched? meg pry
238. You talked to? meg
239. You hugged? lil john
240. You instant messaged? meg
241. You kissed? ha moses.. sad i no
242. You yelled at? my mom
243. You thought about? kyle.. cuz the kissin thing. ha
244. Who text messaged you? dont do that. too cheap
245. Who broke your heart? no comment
246. Who told you they loved you? ha kyle. haha
247. Who you told you loved them? my mom

It is all about sex baby…
248. Had oral sex? recieved or given? yes
249. Had anal sex? ew. ok thats gros.. seriously
250. Used more than 3 positions in one session? ha havent had one.. haha
251. Devoted a whole day to sex? haha
252. Had noise complaints from neighbors during a sex session? oh yes. i am so loud.. right megan???
253. Received open praise for sexual technique? haha no
254. Written an erotic story? hahaha man
255. Fallen or lost balance during sex? thats funny
256. Brought partner to orgasm using only hands? ....
257. Brought partner to orgasm using only mouth? haha.. no comment
258. Had sex while totally dressed? no
259. Had sex while standing up? no
260. Licked someone’s feet or sucked their toes? ew no
261. Had sex with a stranger? no
262. Used whipped cream/soft chocolate during sex? no
263. Used ice during sex? no
264. Used candle wax during sex? no
265. Paid or granted a favor for sex? no
266. Had sex with a virgin? no
267. Had sex with your landlord? no
268. Had sex with a teacher? no
269. Had sex with a boss? no
270. Had sex with two members of the same family? no
271. Had sex with twins? no
272. Had sex with someone the same day that you met them? no
273. Had sex with someone whose name you didn't know? no
274. Had sex with someone you never spoke to/spoke different languages? no
275. Had more than 10 sexual partners? no
276. Had more than 100 sexual partner? no
277. Had two separate sexual partners within 24 hours? no
278. Participated in a swap/swinging club? nope
279. Had two regular partners at the same time? nope
werd. i never had sex.. so these are a lil irrelavant

Random Questions...

280. If you had to eat one thing for the rest of your life, what would it be? bananas
281. What do you consider the most important event of your life so far? me being born was pretty important
282. Who has had the most influence on you? umm alot of things influence me
283. What is the most evil thing you have ever done? haha hmmm.. nothing..
284. When was the time you were the most frightened? when i was watchin IT the movie. freaky
285. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings? enough
286. Do you have any biases or prejudices? not really
287. Who or what, if anything, would you die for (or otherwise go to extremes for)? some of my close friends
288. What, if anything, shocks or offends you? alot of things these days. people dont care anymore
289. If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left? extreme everything, talk to family/friends, write down my "autobiography"
290. Do you dream in color or black and white? color
291. What’s your biggest fear? clowns... and i really dont like the dark
292. If you were stranded on a deserted island with one person, who would it be? frank. we always have alot to talk about
293. If you could do anything to the person you hated most what would it be? i dont really hate anyone
294. Who is the perfect person for you? not to sure
295. What computer password did you once use that no one would ever guess? gumby
296. Do you ever accept the blame/responsibility for things you shouldn’t? sumtimes
297. How long did this survey take you? a long time
298. Any last words? werd
299. Now that this is over, what are you going to do? talk to meg on the phone
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