well long time no write...

Mar 09, 2008 22:06

I've desided to start writing in this thing again... why? Well... The truth is I don't really know, I suppose I've got something to say.

To play catch up...

Disney ( my contract saying I couldn't talk about my experiance for half a year after I left is up so why not)

Florida was an experiance. Everything from the ride down to the ride back 6 months later. I didn't make it into the entertainment department but I did make friends I'll hang on to for the rest of my life:

Junko (joon co) from Japan I met at work (Sunshine Seasons) on orieantation day. She reminded me of Em a little; very out going, pretty, and never far from her camera. She snapped pictures of everything, I guess trying to capture the magic of that first day. Like book ends we differed on many levels. She was even half my height. Despite all that I counted her as one of my best friends up there, always trying to get the same shifts and posts. Our favorite belive it or not was what we called "Tub Duty". Tub Duty was taking the garbage from the collection tub out back to the dumpster and preparing the garbage cans with two bags for the guys switching out the cans in the resturant. Not the most glamorous position I admitt but it allowed you to take it easy and Talk with you partner and any one out for a smoke break. (on a side note I've learner smokers love companey on their break) I owe Junko alot, it was because of her I met Joshua David Scott, the best thing that came out of time in Florida.

Darissa I met at work as well she saved my but more than once just giving me a ride to the western union for emergency cash from my parents. She also was a source of comedic relief. She was crazy in the sweetest possible way.

Daemon was my trainer at first but became a fast friend dispite the 10 year age differance. A religous dude, with a big heart and a braodway quality voice, he was always coning me into singing with him while at the desert station. He also was the reason I headed the daily parade around the resteraunt, followed by a band of kids banging various instroments ending with the chicken Dance and cookies.
.... I have no shame.....

Matt I met my first night there. My roomates and I Went down to the hot tube to hang out and Matt was already taking a soak. Matt is a body builder from Pensivainya, with a good head on his shoulders. While the other girls were busy dabbing the river of drool from their chins I actually conversed with the guy. Being from realitivly the same part of the country, we had alot in comon and go along great. The best part? we weren't flirting it was imediatly a plutonic bond. Before the end he reffered to me as his "wittle sista". He also ended up being Josh's best friend. Josh was there that night but for some reason we didn't met.

Joshua and I met in a rather romantic way. Junko and I had gone to the park together, it rained all day but we stuck it out. It was still pouring when we went to leave MGM studios. Both of us being pretty new we got lost in the parking lot and could find our way to the Bus stop. It was either luck or fate that Josh saw us and escorted us to where we needed to be. Josh even gave up his seat so I could sit down on the bus. We talked leading to a rapidly close friendship and eventually a far closer relation ship.

Over the next months I grew very close to his roomates; a finer screwier bunch of gentalmen you'll never find the like of again. When one of us had no money we pulled together and survived as a family unit.

Casper was a charming little dork with girl troubles and a golden heart. The gostbusters tattoo was just the icing on the cake.

Raul was the ladiesman if you ask me, back in puerto rico though he said no girls noticed him. Me? I say it was strategy to look humble. Coming from a better off family he helped people out constantly. He even took every one out to bennigains once using his dads card. XD

Flipper and Christan are twins, also from puerto rico, were entertaining if nothing else.

Brent and Lucas came later when Flipper and christain went home. Brent was pretty cool though a bit of a sarcastic asshole, but in a likeable way. On christmas morning we both had to get up super early for work so we listened to charlie brown before going to the bus stop. Lucas on the other hand was a fucktard... we called him famine cause he stole food... end of story.

Other 22o6 possie members were the Two Sarah's and Mary. I'll tell you about them next time.

and well I'm getting tired of typing to that will cap off Florida talk for now.

In other News:

I'm back at the flags I'm got two shows I'm doing this summer so it should be fun.

And Josh and I are coming up on 2yrs together.... awesome huh? He entered the SB tourtament for the Wii didn't do to bad.

that's it. Hopefully I'll post again soon

much love always

Amanda Rae
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