News Live Tour 2012

May 26, 2013 16:56

I have finally been able to see NEWS Live Tour 2012 and it was so amazing!! ^^

Koyama, Massuda, Tegoshi and Shige does a great job just the four of them, I don't need anymore than that :]
I really loved their latest single [World Quest] but I was a little shocked that it did'nt sell as great as I had thought :P

But anyway, this concert made me cry, and it was no sad tears I cried :)
Everything was perfect, from the weather to the choregraphy! (o^_^o)
I am sure that all of you also will enjoy it!
I know that I will probably get killed by some of you fans now but I actually do not miss Nishikido Ryo or Yamapi as members in News at all..
I love them so much, but it's just that I have always seen Nishikido as a Kanjani8 member and Yamapi as.. well, only an actor to be honest.. =/
But of course I am a fan of both them so I will always wish them a great future too! ^^
You can download the concert here

news, concert, english

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