Jul 02, 2008 11:03
How to look you are working when you really are not. Not always an easy thing to do.
First what ever you end up doing it can not look like you are chatting to someone on MSN.
It can not look like you are surfing the web for non business related issues.
And you must look like you are actually doing something, example you need to move abit.
I've found that if you right a journal entry in a notepad or in word before posting it on LJ, everyone actually thinks you are working on something. To say it's not like I'm trying to avoid work. I have no work to actually do. It just looks like I've finally found something to do for the 8 hours that I need to be at work. :P
I just hope that tomorrow I can post about a new job and I can tell everyone here that they don't have to find work for me to do anymore and that I won't be comming back on monday. You see I have a second interview today after work and there is actually a good chance that I get the job.
I'll post something about it tomorrow.
Did I tell you that I got a new girl in my life??
Yep, I got a girl and she is like nothing I ever had in my life before.
As you know, I've questionned my hability to love someone and more to the fact if I could actually be in Love.
Well ladies and gents I'm in Love. The real thing. The Oh my! weak in the legs can't stop thinking about seeing your
unborn children in her eyes thing. I'm in love like the characters in the most romantic of stories.
a little more on that later, now I want to go eat. :P