(no subject)

Jun 10, 2010 19:48

What's this? Is it... a post? Not tweets getting regurgitated into Livejournal? Please don't faint.

Since I started working at the Oklahoma state auditor's office nearly a year and a half ago (before that, probably), I've neglected most computer-related stuff at home. I sit in front of a computer, or a laptop, or a notepad in front of an accountant writing down stuff that's headed for a computer -- all. day. long. When I get home, I head into the back yard with our dog, or for the couch or the Wii Fit or, you know, usually, for a delicious beer. Not into the office for yet more computer time.

But somehow, in that time, I've started an online jewelry shop (http://popwhiz.net). Three sales so far, but hey, I'm working on it. So I must have been around a little? I direly miss reading your posts -- most of my closest friends have always been online, and I still talk about you guys like you're my real life pals, believe it or not. You know what else I miss? Flickr. I used to take pictures so constantly, but now most of them are of beers that Brett and I are reviewing (these all end up in a composition notebook, by the way, not on the theoretical blog they're meant for -- the empty comicsandbeer.net), or of jewelry that doesn't sell (except in a local consignment shop) and half of which isn't even listed yet.

Life is awesome, though, don't get me wrong. I've been working myself toward a primal diet and lifestyle (check out http://www.marksdailyapple.com for details). Brett is the most awesome dude alive and I'm happy every second to be married to him. My job is totally fine. We went to Santa Fe for my 29th birthday last month, and it was great.

So anyway, with each passing week, I'm here a little more, trying to work on the shop, trying to actually get my music onto the iPod I've had for over a year and which still has such a sad amount of tunes on it and which I mainly use to listen to the Nerdist podcast (http://www.nerdist.com) while working around the defunct mall in which my office is located for two half-hour periods each weekday.

I'm trying to be pretty zen and to minimalize my belongings and to be aware and present. I'm trying to level up in Puzzle Quest. I'm trying to convince myself to write letters, to write zines, to paint. To eat all of the leftovers in the fridge before we cook more Mexican food.

And I'm making no promises that I'll ever post again, because we know what happens every time I do that. So. Crossing my fingers and toes. And heading off to drink a Hop Czar (current favorite beer in the whole wide world) and watch a bad horror flick on Netflix (streaming to the Xbox). Details. ;)
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