Don’t know yet if I’ll be able to post this, so I’m typing it up in Word first.
DownOrNot has been telling me all day that “LiveJournal is Up!”, but not for me it hasn’t been. Over recent days I’m becoming uncomfortably aware of just how much of my social life is on LiveJournal. Hell, half my sex life is on LiveJournal *g*.
Anyway, the film - under the cut for spoilers.
Square-jawed all-American hero! Ugly plucky little Brit! And bonus!Dougie Henshall! In the distance! (Seriously, did I miss something there? I was just like - that guy way over there looks like Dougie Henshall, but presumably it isn’t him - then up he came in the credits).
Anyway, I thoroughly enjoyed it. I was definitely conflicted towards the end because I wasn’t at all sure the Romans deserved to win that last fight, so I was quite content that Marcus Flavius honoured both sides when he spoke at the pyre.
And I thought the whole thing with taking the Eagle back worked well; I really didn’t want a big scene of “How mighty are the Romans, how magnificent their warriors,” so the fact that he did it for his father’s personal honour definitely worked for me, and the way he made it plain that Esca knew more about honour than they did was also good.
Have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed the little grin that Jamie Bell gave to the slimy politician type just before they left. Brilliant!
Being as I was watching with OH and two sons, I was a bit concerned from some of the reviews that it was going to be too overtly homoerotic, but it was fine. But the slashometer definitely started flashing at the end there, when they walked off into the distance together, in step. Sweet.