So, playing a trifle fast and loose with the days again, but better late than never. My main pre-occupation this week has been the ending of Ashes to Ashes, and that’s what I’m going with for the prompts. Please note that although the titles aren’t particularly spoilery unless you’ve seen all of Ashes except 3.08, my drabble - if I ever get round to finishing it - probably will contain spoilers for Ashes 3.08
So, the prompts this week:
Shallow Grave
Not the man I thought I was
The End
Heaven is a good pub
Post your drabble as a comment to this post, and if you have any ideas for future seasonal prompts, let me know by PM. I may also use the occasional completely random prompt if something occurs to me.
The rules are minimal - One hundred words exactly, and be polite when commenting!
You can write any fandom or original fiction, any pairing or none.
You don’t have to write in English if you don’t want to.
Please note that if you do choose to write in another language, I can't promise to comment beyond a simple "Thank You", although I will do my best via Google! A rough translation would be lovely, but is not essential. The translation does not have to be 100 words, nor does it need to be polished or “good English”. Just the gist is fine, to put across the idea.
So long as you are confident that your response meets one of the prompts, that’s good enough for me.