Dammit LJ!

Oct 26, 2013 08:30

LJ lost my entry. *starts again*

So, holiday today!

I got up specially early this morning so I could get an hour to myself, to read about Delpo’s win yesterday, to make this post etc in peace, but then OH got up only five minutes later. Bit annoyed about that. I just really wanted some time to myself before starting all the hassle of loading up and getting underway.

Anyway, my beloved Delpo won again yesterday, putting him in the semi-fanals at Basel. He’s been playing pretty well this week - against Baghdatis in the second round the other day he played extremely well. He just looked like a boss, a champion, and the commentators are in raptures over him this week. I keep trying to tell myself that I’ve managed all these years not knowing what’s going on in the tennis world, one more week won’t make any difference, but it doesn’t work. I’m really hating the fact that I will have no idea until next Saturday whether Delpo wins his semi today, and if so whether he plays the final tomorrow against Federer or against Pospisil, whether he retains the trophy or not. And Paris starts on Monday. Ah well, just being a bit self-indulgent I suppose, but I want to know, dammit!

I’ve posted several fics this week, which is something I haven’t managed for ages. One of the sort we don’t talk about on open posts, and a new Alex/Yassen. I’ve decided from now on always to post straight to AO3 as well as to here and whatever LJ comm might be relevant. I also randomly came across an old Sam/Gene which I’d forgotten all about, so I chucked that up there as well.

What else? Got a text from uni-boy a couple of days ago asking for cooking times for something. Never got an acknowledgement of my reply, but there you go.

Anyway, I need to post this and get on with something useful.

Hugs to all, see you in a week!

ramblings, tennis, diary, delpo

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