... and I do not regret :) It's not that I do believe in every single word she told me, but somehow it improved my mood in general :)
I decided to rewrite everything she wrote for me, cos she was making notes :D
She was reading a future from the palm and tarot cards...
And I always wanted to try that :)
Hand reading May 09
Back and forward make up your mind? A person’s health will be one of the reasons, you’ll have to make a change in your life. A diary you’ll find if you peek in it you’ll discover your name in it?
A dress made for you.
3 babies to be born around you This will make you broody. (I’ll have) 3 children -> -> You may have a lot of help with 2 of them. 1 born in one country 2 else where. A good partner, partner for life. 2 loves in your life. A lady will give you her engagement Ring, a very, very old ring. An upside down house you’ll live in. Unusual shape. Your partner will come into riches. An Indian Wedding. Saree to wear. Wedding on the Isle of man. When your pregnant your partner will forever keep kissing your bump. You’ll be miss bossy boots in a relationship. Canada a fun time with the girls. Purple Lucky. Careful of Gas! Two rings with writing (wedding rings). The story starts on one ring & ends on the other. White daisies for you to carry - Wedding dress. Opals will represent your childs birthstone. Libra.
UHT? Soya! His left arm is weaker , Left hand weaker. He’ll be a great story teller. Don’t let him cook, but let him cook. Money, Money, Money ahead of you both. Hot air balloon. Freesia. (name)
You see a spirit world. A Lady in Spirit who passed on her wedding day.
Top hat and tails (gonna see), not for a wedding. Win a TV with it is a holiday. You’ll be surrounded by Soldiers Memorial, not in Ireland.
DIY is not for the partner. Life Long love for you both (soul mate). Megan, Rose (name) some news about them.
High Rise windows cleaners (when I’ll see them I know that I’m in a right place). Flying Saucer is it?
Will live by the forest. Lucy, Dwaine. Very reach.
Tarot reading May 09
Concern over a Lady who’ll be unwell, but will recover. The end of a friendship with a Light hair Lady. A mother you’ll be overprotective. When life comes, death comes. A woman in your family, you’ll have to judge her, no choice.
Your partner will come into money. He will not find all his Money in Ireland so may travel to find some of it. Loyal, mixture of being mature and immature. You’re the one who’ll be more carless with money. Tighter purse strings. Family trees bring you extra money. Change of job, not expecting this. Boats spell danger and death to you (nightmare). A spirit woman, you’ll need to send her over cause she’ll pester you. Nathalie. Wishes were 9 years ago or when 9 years old were delayed as the wrong timing. They will come to you now. Family gathering, not all can be there. September Lucky. Happiness ahead, wishes of Love, children and home ahead. A letter with loving words to arrive with you. October spells trouble in two feet. (Trouble) Girl. In your head are great children’s stories - no need for a book. 2 weddings ahead (2010). Turn down one, attend the other.
All will crash to rebuild. Partner & work / His Choices it didn’t have to crash. Good build up of a house from old you’ll gain new. Change of Land and Country. All your plans will change daunting to begin with but an excellent outcome. 3 children. True Friedns stand beside you. Next 3 years do what you wish to do. (In your control). 3 Other countries to visit, then you’ll decide which one you’ll stay in. Hospital, you, small surgical procedure, will need to return few times then all fine.
A meeting of professionals you are the one who’s right not they. 2 kids at one time (Twins). Twice go over very deep waters. Twice water breaks. Water Works, keep them flushed.
You and partner - perfect match as long as you wear the trousers.
you can read what she foretold for me :)