start date: june 1, 2010
end date: february 26, 2013
strike out: complete
italics: in progress
001. make a resume (6.17.10)
002. maintain a 3.5 or better gpa
003. make deans list every semester (2/5)
004. get accepted into speech path program (03.08.11)
005. be on track to graduate with bachelors in spring 2013
006. make a "best" friend at western
007. make & stick to a gym routine while at western
008. get 100% on a test
009. get another job for senior year '12
010. attend fall welcome (08.31.10)
011. attend a western football game (09.18.10)
012. attend a western hockey game
013. attend a western soccer game
014. join a club/activity group [PTK] (10.06.10)
015. get a job at western (06.29.10)
016. finish love and army scrapbooks (1/2)
017. read 50 books
[2010] [2011](23/50)
018. find a wii game that i'll play by myself
019. watch 100 movies
[2010] [2011] (76/100)
020. take a yoga or kickboxing type of class [zumba!]
021. buy a pandora bracelet (12.28.10)
022. buy a ereader (8.6.10)
023. have engagement pictures taken (6.7.10)
024. attend a wedding expo (1.8.11)
025. make it through his deployment
026. make a wedding website
027. get married!
028. have boudoir pictures taken
029. have professional pictures taken yearly (1/3)
030. take photobooth pictures every time the chance arises
031. decide what to do after his enlistment
032. learn how to give a lapdance
033. move in together!
034. go out once a week once we're living together
035. cook at least one meal together once thomas is home (0/18)
036. write a list of
25 things i love about thomas
037. start a weekly tradition once thomas is back home
038. create our own cookbook
039. go on our honeymoon!
040. go on a R&R getaway [mackinac island] (6.13.11)
041. go to new orleans & the audubon zoo
042. go somewhere in michigan that i've never been
043. plan carribean cruise for summer 2013
044. weekend trip to chicago
045. renew passport & have thomas get one
046. go on a roadtrip to texas
047. spend the night at a bed & breakfast (8.7.10)
048. take 3 vacations (big or small) (1/3)
• california (2.27.11)
• oregon (7.20.11)
049. go to cedar point
050. meet lj friend in person
tragedies (8.12.10)
051. become "real or better" friends with two lj friends (0/2)
052. start a project 365
053. backup all of my pictures onto disks
054. find 101 things that make me happy &
document them
055. take
5,000 question survey (
056. track my 101 in 1001 progress once a month (9/33)
057. sort through itunes & make playlists
058. complete three
DITL [at school, at ft polk, together] (0/3)
059. complete two
"26 things project" (0/2)
060. catch up in our_happyending community
061. buy grandma flowers for no reason
062. participate in race for the cure
063. skinny dip
064. go to a detroit tigers game (06.03.10)
065. go to a detroit red wings game
066. go to an nfl football game (11.15.10)
067. shoot a gun at the gun range
068. go fishing & catch a fish
069. donate blood
070. get a tattoo (08.16.10)
071. make a funny video & put it on youtube
072. get a charicature drawn
073. watch the sunrise & sunset
074. write in deployment journal twice a week
075. treat myself to a day at the spa (massage/pedicure/manicure)
076. make it through a haunted house
077. go skydiving
078. DEEP clean once a year & donate what i don't want (1/3)
079. get my teeth whitened
080. attend five concerts and/or plays (1/5)
• rent (3.20.11)
• taylor swift (6.11.11)
081. eat at five new restaurants (5/5)
• the melting pot
• tunks
• pf changs
• branns
• joe's crab shack
082. learn how to cook five dishes (1/5)
• peanut butter mud pie
083. get involved or donate money to a support the troops foundation
084. purchase a new blackberry (07.28.10)
085. pay off credit card bill every month on time! (12/33)
086. watch all brothers & sisters episodes (86/86)
087. purchase a cannon rebel dslr
089. make a list of
25 things i love about myself
090. buy cute reusable bags & USE them!
091. become more self sufficient
092. drink a glass of water everyday for 6 months (0/6)
093. revamp my closet
094. organize girls night out/girls weekend
095. throw a surprise party for someone
096. win something, anything (1.13.11)
097. attend a wedding (other then my own) (6.11.11)
098. put away money 12 times (non consecutively) (8/12)
099. treat my family out to dinner
100. treat thomas' parents out to dinner/make them a nice dinner
101. donate $5 for every uncompleted task
completed: 21
in progress: 25
left to complete: 79