this was not how i wanted to spend my year i tell you

Sep 29, 2012 22:38

yes. so. 
i suppose this is an intro post? i'm bridget. kingsland, not jones, although bj is my spirit animal for a variety of reasons. i'm a clinical insomniac and an english major who never actually does any english. i've been in fandom for awhile, but i never got around to joining any fansites because i am utterly and completely incapable of managing my time. i kept up with my too-many fandoms through twittah and the like. then shailene linked me fic by the violonist  and wilde-firee and i could no longer comprehend why i was living and there went my sanity and my grammar along with it and thus here i am. 
also i suppose i write? sometimes? when the feelings go overboard i smash out something on microsoft word (i still use 2003 is that even socially acceptable) with total zeal. sometimes. 
well. so.
also someone explain this gif to me why are they all so in love with the one in the fudgy sweater

fic has reduced me to nothing, my life only goes in one direction, le me, especially one fucking direction, uggaboo, do you hear me

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