Title: The Kirk Myth
Summary: Sheppard’s team is captured, and rescuing them reveals a secret the Lt. Colonel had kept for over a year…
Genre: Romance, humor, sex
Season/episode: SG: Atlantis, season 4
Spoilers: Stargate movie, Stargate: SG1 (all seasons and movies), and SG: Atlantis (season 1 to 4)
Pairing: John Sheppard/Cameron Mitchell. Also a little of Amelia Banks/Ronon Dex, and Rodney McKay/Jennifer Keller, Jack O’Neill/Sam Carter…
Rating: M
Warnings: Sexual situations, violence, mention of violence, mention of sexual abuse
Disclaimer: Read
here Acknowledgements: Thanks to
Amycat8733 for beta-reading this story for me.