an actual journal entry with real live information about me

Dec 18, 2002 13:57

My Personality
So, I know that sometimes I can come off as a little rude or mean or stand-offish, however you want to say it. I know that I am hard to get to know well. I know that I have a really bad memory for people (faces and names) and that my forgetfullness often seems like snubbing.

I've always alternated between crippling shyness and overwhelming gregariousness. metamer once introduced me to someone as his friend "obnoxious Jen".

So, there are the sides of my personality. I've tried in the past to be more outwardly friendly, without being obnoxious and loud. It's very hard for me to do and more than that, people just seem to look at me funny and react badly when I am nice to them.

Is it because of my usual apathetic demeanor? Or is it possible that I just don't wear "friendly" that well?

My Lame Ass Diet
where, sadly, I seem to be losing the most weight in my ass. This is unfortunate because I have grown accustomed to my ghetto booty. It is not the bit that I'm trying to eliminate.

Anyway, I haven't been updating about my diet/exercise travails because there's really not much to say. I lost those 5 initial pounds and nothing since then. I've been exercising 3 times a week, but I've also been a very bad eater. Way too much beer and pizza for me over the last few weeks. The problem is that a.)there is beer in the house and it's very hard not to have one when everyone else is because mmmmm I love beer, b.)we've all been too lazy or busy to cook anything and beeporama and crackgrrrl will eat pizza just about every day if you let them.

I'm going to put a stop to all of this nonsense, though. Don't doubt it. I've just been slacking because I've been feeling almost sick all week. Blah, I will prevail.

Speaking of Exercise
I have so little upper body strength it's frightening. I'm working on it, though. At least twice a week I'm doing 20 minutes of upper body weight stuff. Soon I will be able to squash you all!

food, body

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