Japanese Proficiency Test

Nov 19, 2003 08:13

I just received the letter from the Japan Foundation about my Japanese Proficiency Test in mid December.

(okay, I got it a couple of weeks ago, but please keep in mind that if you're ever going to send me any snail mail, print 50+ "URGENT" at various places. Otherwise I'll probably wait a few weeks before opening it)

You know what? I COMPLETELY forgot about signing up for it -_-;

Lucky I at least got the sense to sign up for lv. 3 instead of lv.2, otherwise I'll fail so royally the Queen of England would be envious.

Now where have I put my ancient Japanese text books @@
Excite has a point/rating thing going on, on a scale of 1-10, what score would you give Yume? (10 being the highest, I assume?)
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