(no subject)

Feb 01, 2010 00:02

Also note: I haven't changed my journal's formatting since early 10th grade (fall 2004, I believe), so 1) it's kinda funny looking now, and 2) its current style format is no longer supported by Livejournal (which I find hilarious). Anyway, instead of homework I'ma try and make it pretty(/legible). Check back for results!

edit: I choose Generator style, because it was the most attractive one that I found easy for me to read. Does anyone actually read this outside of their friends page or whatever (remember that I haven't used livejournal in many years)? If anyone does, is this an easy format for you to read? I don't have a lot of other options (S1 ftw) (I'm hanging on to this until they force me to give it up, just to be difficult).

Geez, I had to go to do homework now? Fine, whatever.

edit2: Now how do I get rid of the GothScene: #1 Alternative Dating Site ad? It's not the ad I mind, so much, as the girl with the intense, staring eyes. Oh Livejournal, always something new to learn.
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