Jan 04, 2010 00:42
Okay, it's time to lay down some seriousness. I was reminded tonight of the existence of Blurty, and was able to dig up and read my blog from NINTH GRADE (OR MAYBE IT WAS EIGHTH GRADE. I'M NOT SURE. EITHER WAY, IT WAS PAINFUL). Regardless, I updated that thing like, all the time during the three months I had it. Crap you'd never think I'd want to remember, but hey, I wasn't all bad song lyrics and personality quizzes. It was mostly bad song lyrics and personality quizzes, but some of it is really interesting, and all of it is who I was or who I was becoming then. I am pretty bummed that I suck at journaling, and therefore failed to keep it up (for reference sake, please see the past six (six!) years with this journal).
Okay, that stuff wasn't very serious. Getting to the serious part: I am going to make a New Year's Resolution this year, and it ill be to journal more often! Exciting stuff, right? I don't know if it will be here and public, or here and private, or in a real life notebook, or what, but I am going to try and kick myself into writing down shit that happens in my life, and shit that I'm thinking and shit. It'll be real deep and stuff, I hope you're excited.
Stay tuned.