Title: Luck(Prompt:Felix Felicis)
Words: 100
Rating: G
Other characters/pairings: Harry/Ginny
Warnings: None
"Harry, what are you looking for in the cabinets?" asked Ginny.
"It has to be somewhere..." said Harry.
"Don't we have to go to your house... what are you looking for again?"
"Vial of Felix Felicis," said Harry.
"Because, somebody has been slipping it into my meals or drinks," said Harry.
"And, why do you think so?"
"Because, after battle you took me back, accepted to marry me, and today we got married. I can't believe my luck." said Harry.
Ginny giggled and pulled him to face her and kissed him.
"Love,we are each other's Felix Felicis now."