Application for "The going Merry" One piece rp.

Oct 17, 2005 12:04 for being sick. I hate it..because then you hafta catch up with all of the work -kicks wall- Oh well..everyone has their bad just happens to be one of mine.

[OOC]:((Not sure if you wanted both the short and long one, so of course, I'll write both))

Name: Nami
Livejournal: Dorobo_Nami

First person entry:

I really need a break...What I wouldn't give for even just a nice glass of
water...Or...some beri..-Looks longingly toward the door and let's out a sigh,
turning back toward her quill pen and stash of maps- But I've got to finish
my work...

Third person entry:

Nami sat cross-legged on the ornate bow of the boat; the wind blowing through her
ginger-colored hair. Closing her chocolatey eyes she heaved a sigh, and allowed
a hardly noticable smile to appear on her face as she inhaled the aroma of something
delicious-obviously something Sanji had been making. This was something lucky,
since she'd been rather hungry for a short while now.

(( Sorry if they're kinda short...and I'm sorry I wasn't that great with the first person entry ^^; I'm slightly more accustomed with the third person, I usually only use first person to play around, or when I'm just talking and not doing an actual rp (But am still in character). I hope you accept me ^-^))
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