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Oct 10, 2011 09:33

character info.

NAME. Minato Arisato.
SERIES. Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES.
AGE. February 12, age 19.
HEIGHT&WEIGHT. 5'4", 130 lbs.
APPEARANCE. On the left. Note that this version of him has been out of high school for over a year and doesn't wear his school uniform anymore.

STATUS. ■■■■■ | A-OKAY. Nothing currently wrong with the guy!
LODGINGS. Arrived | Oct. 10 (Day 14)
Staying | W4-231


RESIDENCE. West 4-231.
POSSESSIONS. His mp3 player, various snacks, some rope.
WEAPONS. A one-handed sword and his Evoker, which means he has access to the three Persona Messiah, Helel and Thanatos. Their abilities wouldn't be exactly as listed under P3:FES because of skills carried through fusion.
EXPLORATION. IDK HE'S NOT TOO INTERESTED IN THAT RIGHT NOW, that'll probably change if someone tells him to start exploring, though.
GOALS. Make friends and help people. No, really, those are his goals. Also to get SEES home safely without them finding out about their tragic future.


TRIGGERS. Hurting his friends will get him seriously cheesed off, and uh. He is the protagonist so you might want to be careful with that. Otherwise, he still sorta feels like he isn't supposed to be alive, so talking about death will make him pretty melancholy, reserved, and maybe a teensy bit of suicidal ideation.
MEDICAL INFO. He used to be dead?? He sleeps and eats a lot. Tends to sleep more when he's upset.
MENTAL INFO. Minato used to house Death in his mind, and also he likes to repress everything that upsets him, so his mind's kinda a funny place. Aside from the fact that his Persona "live" there, too, depending on how you interpret it. I love mind reading but if things head in that direction, you'll probably need a primer on his situation, l-lol.
FOURTH-WALLING. If your character is from modern day Japan, P3 was pretty popular, so have at if that's the case. (He's really not going to care.) Otherwise it's not too likely anyone will know him.
ROMANCE/SEXUAL RELATIONS. Minato is a pimp a bit confused about how this romance thing works, but recently he was dating Itsuki in DDD and has started to get a glimmer of understanding on how this is actually supposed to happen. He might get into relationships with people if he feels that's where they want the relationship to go, and he'll genuinely care about them, but he won't be a committed active participant. If you spend enough time with it he can form more genuine romantic feelings, but it takes a while. He's not adverse to more casual sexual contact, though; he's just not liable to initiate it.
INJURE/KILL. He automatically recovers HP every turn depending on what Persona he has equipped, and he has a full heal ability, so he's seriously hard to take down. But actually injuring him I have no problem with, it's just difficult! lol. Death would be fun to play out with him, too, considering how many issues he has with it.
DEVICE HACKING. GO AHEAD he probably won't care.
THREADJACKING. I love this. Do it.
ANYTHING ELSE. I realize he'll probably run into some people on the island that he had CR with at DDD, but I totally understand that not everyone wants to be affected by that sort of thing. Minato himself is well aware that different versions of each person exist and that no one is guaranteed to recognize or remember him, so he won't be put off by that. He is, though, very loyal, and is likely to hang around your character if he's been friends with them before. If you'd prefer he not tell them that he's known them in a previous incarnation, that's totally okay! I'd rather not retcon it just because friends have such an enormous influence on his personality and development, but it's completely IC for Minato to just. Never bring it up. So let me know, I'll probably ask if it's important CR, anyway! o/
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