Instead of doing some work this evening I was trawling the BBC News website and came across a story
here Councils are gonna start tagging peoples waste bins. I am assuming that they are going to be using RFID technology. The purpose of this is to weigh the bin's as they are getting loaded onto the back of the wagons before they are emptied, as in the future we are going to be made to pay for out waste.
No this is something I dont have a problem with myself and
pete-d put our waste bin out about once every three weeks or so and even then its normally cause the waste is starting to smell and not cause its full, and if we are gonna drop the waste percentage from our Council Tax and pay by the kilo then I am happy for this to happen cause I think we are gonna save money.
Of course everyone and their dog have got hold of the story and the privacy people are up in arms, I am expecting it to be front page on the Daily (Hate)Mail sometime this week as well. OK so the councils will know which one is your bin, but FFS most bins have the house number/name wrote on them any way, a RFID chip is less obvious and someone can't tell if your bin isn't out and possibly your house is empty.
As for privacy, I am less worried about governments knowing how much stuff I bin than people like Tesco know exactly what I buy, I started using to get stuff delivered to me, I never realised but I can do a search on the site and see *everything* that I have bought in the past month I think it is when I have scanned my clubcard. Governments we can throw out at a general election, how easy is it to get rid of a corporate giant like Tesco?
Questions/Answers on the back of an electron to the usual address please.