[Mod] March in Review

Apr 02, 2007 14:28

My mind kept nagging at me. *evil look*

New members

Member updates
shioan (Read here)
swollenfoot (Read here)

The Doll (Fanfiction, Naruto) - angel_love_song
Gaius Fafnir Chronicles: The Name with a Destiny (Fan/Original, Ragnarok Online) - riisha
Tatters We Let (Fanfiction, Naruto) - swollenfoot
Gaius Fafnir Chronicles: The First Step (Fan/Original, Ragnarok Online) - cea_chan
Sunergos 12, 1st and 2nd part (Fanfiction, Naruto) - swollenfoot
Ang Mga Pinagpala (Original Screenplay) - safranin *PROTECTED*
Untitled 3: Surprises over Dinner (Original Fiction) - luckychan

For anything that posts after this, choose! Will you consider it your March output and come up with April too? Or will it be April output, such that you missed your March deadline. Hm.

review, moderator

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