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My journal
(no subject)
Oct 22, 2006 21:36
Being drunk, passing and finding out that I got tagged on my ass.
I dont think I took these pictures.
Ha, waking up and drinking jack and coke is awesome.
I was Allie's model for her photo class thingy.
Look at her ass ............
MIKE!!!!! I miss hanging out with him. Ha, he turns gay when he drinks.
David and Mike being gay.
Allie pissed herself!
More pictures of my ass!
Dude, go carting is the fucking shit!
Scott and I bought laptops from KKKFC.
Drinking at some horse park thingy area.
I dont remember ANY of these.
Drinking at Nuggets house.
WHAT THE FUCK???????????????????????????
We went drunken hiking in my backyard aka the freeway/mountains!
Why do people always pass out on my bed!
Eating at Dennnys before leaving to mExico!
Ha, we woke up and said dude fuck it lets go to mexico!
Not my weiner, I swear!
These people were fucking rad, look at all that beer they drank!!!!
We were all fucking wasted by the end of the night.
Got to Scott house and passed out, I fell in mexico jumping over something I think and i fucked up.
Woke up and found Scott on myspace ..... loser!
Debrah and I went to the beach and talked, it was nice chatting with her.
This is where I died.
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