Last Sunday was the first time ive been outside my house for like a week since um you know ... It was nice going out and seeing my good friends. Im very happy that i have such amazing friends.
Ha, Mike and I went to the fucking mall to look for some videos games but we just watched a movie instead.
Drinking beer and pumping iron at my place.
The most amazing thrift store ever! For some odd reason everything is fucking dirt cheap ever but yeah we stole a lot of shit.
Messing around Chinatown!
"nothing to see here, move along." .... fucking pigs.
Im jacob, I like stealing from chinese people!
Needless to say, Chinatown was fun!
Trying to take myspace pictures!
Dude, my girlfriend. I gave her my number but she still hasnt called me yet .... : (
We ran into Matt and Aimee, which was random as shit!