Jan 24, 2005 22:28
Today started out pretty shitty...I was sick from my birthday party, so me and David didnt go to school ( he was sick too :() Then I started fighting with Chenita again, which sucked really bad...But Now were like...Getting along, better than we ever have... We are gunna make the best of friends...I can tell just from talking to her...i dont have many of those in my life anymore, since all my old friends are stupid people who like to stab people in the back...( NO NAMES...) But I feel like me and Chenita have a connection...I dont know if she is bullshitting or not about wnting to be good friends with me, But I seriously wnt her as my friend. We have both ben thru a lot of the same shit, and know waht each other are going thru...I love it wehn u can have that kind of friendship, where u can tell each other anything, and count on each othr for everything...Its just a bond thats so awesome...I'm trying to have that with Stephanie right now, and I hope that works, just as much as I hope this one will...Okay to another subject........
No one really understands me anymore...WHy is that?! Is it because I hide myself from the world? Is it bcuz I hide all the pain anger and tears? What if I let it show? What if I became who I really am Insttead of putting on an act, and living a fake life? What if I was just myself...Would my OTHER** friends besides Nikki And Rikki still love me, and be my friends?!?! What if JoAnn and Jessica knew that I wasnt the totally bad gurl that they think I am...What if they found out I was a typical everyday gurl...? Or would they confront and show they are too, instead of the KIND** of gurls they make themselves out to be? Is it too late to change who I am going to become? Is It too late to prove and show to everyone wh oI really am? I think Im going to try iot...I seriously think I can...With the help from my friends....I KNOW I can....Katie J...
Remember; Its not always the weight of the world you want, just the weight of your friends and family who you truely care for.