Nov 02, 2008 15:18
As I Twittered just a few minutes ago, I want to be a professional blogger. I doubt I could do that with my LJ. Maybe after my I get my journalism degree. But I would really love to work for Wired Magazine. I think that's my dream job. I wonder if you have to have a background in some sort of technologically intensive job. I hope not. Otherwise I'd be fucked.
I can't until I start college. But first I have to get my GED. Right now I'm waiting on my application to be approved :/ After I get my GED I can apply for Columbus State Community College. I can't wait for my first REAL job. I can't wait until I get my first internship.
Then again, sometimes it feels like I'm not ready to be an adult. But my mom said that no one she knows was ever ready to be an adult.
I failed my driver's test. I don't know how it is in other states but here in Ohio you have to take a Maneuverability test. Something with cones and shit. I think I failed because my car is a lot bigger than the Ford Cobalt that my driving school had. So this Wednesday I'm going to try it again in my mom's car. A Chevy Malibu Maxx. It's a nice car.
I also have an interview at Wal Mart tomorrow. Not the best job but at least it's a job. Just to hold me off until I get my GED then I'm going to reapply at Gap. If Wal Mart doesn't work out I'm going to apply at the Gap Distribution Center. Yeah you have to be on conrete all day, but again, it's a job. I'm getting pretty desperate at this point but I still refuse to work in fast food.
Oh, right, Vampire Stories. So at 5 AM on Friday I had this insane burst of creativity and all of a sudden I knew exactly what I was going to write. For the first time I knew exactly how I was going to end my first novel. I outlined it on the cover of a green 70 page, college ruled notebook. I already wrote a few paragraphs before I had the burst of creativity. It started with this urge to write. I was really frustrated 'cause lately my clothes have disappeared (I need to clean my room. That or the washing machine is eeeevil.) so I eventually gave up and just wore what I wore the night before. So I was just laying in bed trying to cool off while Tony was doing his D&D thing, then I just wanted to write. First just in a journal, then a story. So I grabbed a notebook and declared "You cannot hinder GENIUS!" A bold statement, yes, but I was all revved up. We searched like ten minutes before I settled on a name for a main character. I'm so glad Tony puts up with my insane tendencies. So I started writing. Then BOOM! I started outlining my story. I had all the major plot points mapped out. I won't post it here. I still don't quite believe that I could write a novel right now but you never know. Raven did it, so why can't I?
I wish I could have made the Obama rally in Columbus today. But Sarah and Glen "don't do that kind of stuff" on Sunday. "Stuff" meaning anything outside of Church and going home. /rolls eyes. Gah, she's become a bit of a hardcore Mormon. Not too hardcore, but just enough to be a bit annoying. She's still kind of open minded though. Not fully brainwashed. So that's good. She still wants to have a ton of kids. Something if it's God's plan for her to have more kids then she'll have more kids. But they can't even afford their first kid. I love Sammy, I really do. But they should have waited until after college when they both could have a better job. The Gap benenfits are really good but Glen doesn't make enough to support a baby, also. They just barely made it without the baby. I worry about them but there's nothing I can do.
Obama and his wife are so cute together. His kids are also adorable too. I love that no matter what, he still takes time to be with his kids. Speaking of which, I voted with my absentee ballot and I felt all proud and stuff bubbling in "Barack Obama/Joe Biden". My first presidential election. Such a historic one. I'm excited to be able to tell my kids, grandkids, even Sammy, that I voted in such a historic election.
Well, I think that's all I've got for now. Some parting words:
It's extremely important that you get out there and vote this Tuesday. Make your voice heard. Exercise your right to vote. We live in a great country and we are very privelaged to have such freedoms. You may protest the war, you may think this country is stupid. But you have to admit, we do have some pretty awesome rights. Such as the First Amendment. I wouldn't be able to write to you today without that. We are so lucky to live in such a great country. Even if society is retarded you can't let that judge the main ground rules of this country. If you look at the Constitution, forget about how stupid SOCIETY is, but look at our founding rules. It's pretty amazing. We've got a pretty solid plan. The only problem is the people who interpret the rules and enforce them. That's what makes things suck. But hey, isn't that what lawyers are for?
Wow, I don't think I've written anything political. Cool.
Anyway, so long.