
Oct 18, 2006 23:04

Don't read if you don't like TMI, but who doesn't?

Well, since I was told I had PCOS by the doctor that was supposed to prescribe me T--I had to get a second opinion by a specialist. Which is what I did today. I ventured over to the endocrinologist and I think it was worse than my first visit to the OBGYN. She is an older woman from.. I think Poland/Russia? I don't know. Anyway, I told her I have GID because that is how I found out I have PCOS [Yay for initials]. So after an awkward talk we get into the examination room.. This is where the awkwardness, the thing I spoke about before, REALLY begins.

She told me to get completely undressed behind this curtain. In which I questioned "....Naked?". I take one look at this curtain and wondered where the fuck the material was to it. It was completely see through! What was the point of it even being there? Especially with the upcoming events. So, I get my things off.. but can't bring myself to go all the way. I kept my underwear on and venture out in my paper gown. Once I'm up on the table she pokes and prods around, nothing major. Yeah, nothing major until she tells me to lie down onto my back. I totally wasn't expecting it, but all of the sudden this little 5 foot silver haired woman turned into Hulk Hogan and tore the paper gown down the middle. I could only imagine the look on my face. Without even a moment to register what she had done, her hands were squeezing on my chest and then down to my stomach. I felt like.. I can't even. I'm sure I was bright red though. Then she asked about my legs and when I shave them.. Which is never. She also asked if I played sports and all that because I'm muscular on top. At that moment she stops and I think to myself--what a wonderful world.. because it's over! Nope. I was wrong.

"Would you mind if I looked at your clitoris?"

I just looked at the ceiling and babbled some sort of reply of, "NO!Ye--um.. LKJlkfjosiduoieurkJ#@?!1?" In my head I'm just like WHAT?! No dinner/movie first? I sucked it up though because this was the reason I was here in the first place. To get checked. WHICH I WAS x 48484889359. So, I slip the last of my clothing off and she went to work without a seconds hesitation. Then finally.. FINALLY it came to an end and she said I could get dressed. When I got off the table, I thanked her as if this were some cheap high school date and then realized my gown was totally in all sorts of pieces. I tried my hardest to hold the shreds to my naked body as I slinked around her to run behind the clear curtain of modesty. I was then relieved of that curtain all though it was a piece of shit.

Once it was all over.. I got the diagnosis and she said I have PCOS. The good thing is though that they no longer treat it was estrogen and birth control, but rather something for this in particular. But now I'll get regular periods and all that lovely stuff and no T for the time being. Sigh..
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