its the weekend

Feb 05, 2005 14:23

i'm trying to think what happened yesterday....
nothing special.
i had pizza for breakfast, lunch AND dinner yesterday!

the youthgroup at my church had a sleepover and each could bring a friend so i went down w/ mom to bring some food....i get so annoyed with puberty-reaching-pre-teens. UGH they're just repenisulous.

so then i went up to the house and watched Wicker Par with mom. LOVED it. i called jordan afterwards cause i had gotten a message from him to call....and i was in such a sappy love-sick was bad. haha.
shortly after my canversation with jordan, i went to bed.

woke up today and went to school to learn a dance number for an hour. my partner is Brendan Crowley....we were havin fun. haha poor brendan's a soccer player and doesnt have much strength in the arms...and he didn't realize that i weigh more than him, let's face it- not many people realize that i weigh a lot more that i look like i weigh.
and so there are a lot of lifts that the poor kid has to perform...and he thinks he's just a wuss and can't lift me. I's rather him think that, then have 'im htink I'm a fat cow.
but I'm glad he's my partner for this cause he's a. taller than me...and b. he can just laugh at it like myself...and c. he's not THAT bad of a dancer, like some of the people in this show that SHOULD NOT be in it.

maniacpat01: update PUUUHHLEAASSEEE
That Coots: i am
That Coots: haha
maniacpat01: atagirl
That Coots: i try

i need to get going on my scrap book. i think i'm gonna have a scarpbooking party iwth pat in the sometime near future.
i'm kinda at a hold because my printer:
a. sucks
b. is out of ink.

so i have to wait for more ink.
or i have to find someone with a good printer who will let me print my sutff off their computer with my picture paper stuff.

ho hum.
think i may eat lunch...maybe not.
i just got back from a very strenuous power walk con mi madre. twas fierce.

so i'm prolly gonna get myself a Grund sandwitch (consisting of wheat toast, peanut butter, banana slices, honey and the optional almonds) for extra energy...maybe some diet pepsi...
and then a good ol' sit-down with the 2nd volume of the first season of will & grace episodes on DVD (rented from hollywood video)
someone needs to get me the whole thing for my birthday...
along with the first season dvd set of One Tree Hill, thanks.
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