Nov 21, 2004 03:03
Now that the cops have showed up for the fourth time tonight, and the second in the last hour, I think I can officially declare the party over and deliver an accurate play-by-play of the key events. Since I make a concerted effort to have as un-emotional of a Livejournal as possible, I'm going to leave them out of my reaccounting of the night thus far. Emotions are gay anyway.
Woke up late this morning when Koury got on Shamir's computer. Matt eventually ambled in and we started watching random crap that I had burned to CD-Rs. Venture Brothers and Butterfly Effect if my memory serves me. After Butterfly effect, we lounged out in Jeremy's room on the dual PS2s and played random shit. Soul Calibur and whatnot.
Later. Keg. Party. Everyone gets shitty. Matt is like a binge drinker and makes a bid for the longest keg stand. Last I checked he was still the winner. That's why we had to stop him from pissing on Jeremy's TV. We were in there talking and he walked in and just whipped his dick out calm as could be. My mind couldn't reconcile his red flaccid penis pointed at San Andrea's pause screen. Luckily Jeremy's room has a door to the outside. I opened it and yanked him out there to piss of the back porch with Cordy puking off of it. Matt stood out there horribly drunk and unable to cope with the world or himself. He could not tell me my name. Jeremy took him in and tossed him on his bed, whereupon he pissed on himself. He's still laying in his piss. Cordy only recently came in and fell asleep about a foot in from the doorway.
Yeah, everyone is leaving. Jeremy's carpet is fucked. Other stuffed happened, but Matt's piss is the only funny thing to me as of now. So that's the extent of the post.