Title: The Other Fandom: Runaways Characters: Victor Mancha/Vision Prompt: 12. Broken Word Count: 203 Rating: PG Summary: Victor reached out for the other one like him. Author's Notes: Minor spoilers for Civil War: Young Avengers/Runaways.
Dude... Wow. That almost kinda sorta smacks of incest... but not really. Wow. You're right. This does belong in the "fullmetal_cute did it first" basket, right next to Victor/Tommy/Nico.
Yeah, kinda incesty in a way, but I could see becoming fond of it. This piece, at least, was very well written. A connection like they were having is bound to produce some sort of emotional response, so why not love? Anyway, me likeys. ^_^ hooray you, fullmetal_cute!
Comments 9
Is is also the first time I've done anything akin to incest, outside that FMA Ed/Alter!Al fic I did a while back.
Very lovely.
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