Title: Fallen City
dorksidefikerFandom: Marvel
Table/Prompt: Table 12/10. Gone
Character/Pairing: Hildy
Rating: G
Word Count: 178
Summary: It’s not the first time Asgard has fallen in her life, but it‘s the first time she really remembers it.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Hildy stood in the ruins of Asgard, unusually silent for her. They would rebuild, or so everyone said. But she knew, deep in her bones, that it just wouldn’t be the same. It was like Ragnarock all over again, but… worse. At least then, things had been over, and she didn’t have to remember anything.
This was a violation, a loss of something important. Hildy had dreamed of journeying to Midgard and having adventures like her father, Fanderal, and Hogun, or Lord Thor. But it was the mortals who had come to the Shining City and tore it down, bringing it to Earth and leaving it broken.
“Hildy.” Hogun’s large, callused hand came to rest lightly on Hildy’s shoulder. He didn’t say anything else, but she didn’t need him to.