Title: Happy Ending
dorksidefikerFandom: Reboot
Table/Prompt: Table 11/7. I’m not afraid of happy endings, I’m just afraid my life won’t work that way.
Character/Pairing: Matrix/AndrAIa
Rating: PG
Word Count: 172
Summary: They’ve been at this too long to believe in Happily Ever After. AndrAIa is willing to settled for Happily Now.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
AndrAIa leaned against Matrix’s shoulder, lips twitching up slightly as she looked at him through her eyelashes. “You ever think about it?” she asked, jerking her head towards Dot and Bob.
“No,” Matrix replied honestly. AndrAIa’s eyebrows rose, and Matrix looked away. “Well, I haven’t. Between the games and trying to get home and then Daemon and Megabyte…”
“That’s all done now, lover,” AndrAIa pointed out gently. “It’s quiet.”
“Too quiet,” Matrix muttered, good eye narrowed.
“Paranoid,” AndrAIa teased.
“Something’s coming,” he insisted.
“Something’s always coming. We can’t keep letting these things stop us, you know.”
Matrix kissed the top of AndrAIa’s head. “Just give me time.”
“I always do.”