The Little Things

Jan 15, 2012 09:19

Title: The Little Things
Author: dorksidefiker
Fandom: Voltron Force
Table/Prompt: Table 3/9. Dying
Character/Pairing: Keith, Allura, Lance, Hunk, Pidge
Rating: PG
Summary: It's a little bit like the old team has died, and replaced by something Keith doesn't really recognize.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.

It was Pidge and Hunk looking to Lance for conformation before carrying out Keith's order that really drove it home; everything had changed. Not just how Pidge had gotten taller, or how Lance had gotten calmer, or how Allura was so much more in control, but everything. The time was, they wouldn't have hesitated, not even Lance. His dearest friend and second in command would have bitched and moaned and called Keith on any and all perceived bullshit, but he would have been doing as Keith had ordered while he was bitching.

But that was years ago, before Keith had gone deep undercover to expose Marshall Wade's corruption and prove Voltron's innocence. Keith had had next to no contact with any of them for three years, and during those three years everyone had changed. Lance and Allura had stepped up, taking the reigns in a way Keith in ways that he'd always hoped for from the princess but never would have expected from Lance.

Part of him realized that he'd changed too. He's spent years operating alone; if anything had gone wrong, there would have been no back up coming to his rescue. Hell, there probably wouldn't have been time for rescue -- he'd have been dead the moment he was caught. Reintegrating with the team was harder than he'd thought it would be, when he'd let himself think about it. He was home, back with his family, but they'd all grown up while his back was turned.


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