Title: First Step
dorksidefikerFandom: Supernatural
Table/Prompt: Table 1/5. We just can't stop believing, because we have to try; we can rise above the truth and the lies.
Character/Pairing: Claire Novak
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Claire's got a long, hard road ahead of her, and this is just her first step down it.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did, there would be way more Destiel in the universe.
The demon circled Claire with a leer, bloody teeth bared in the moonlight. "We know who you are, Claire Novak, Vessel of Castiel," he purred, light reflecting off his black, black eyes. Claire's fingers curled and uncurled as she stood within the ring of salt, refusing to look at the pale body on the floor. There was nothing she could do for her mother now, so she had best focus all her attention on the demon. "Daddy's little angel. Only Daddy's gone now, isn't he? Born away on the wings of angels. An angel. And he took everything with him when he went, didn't he, sweetie?" The demon reached down, caressing her mother's -- the body's -- hair. "Your family torn apart, your home taken away from you, and your poor little Mommy shattered." The demon clucked his tongue as he looked around the apartment, a far cry from the beautiful house Claire had once called home.
They'd had to sell, eventually, after Daddy left. After the money had run out. That day had been horrible; the garage sale right before had been completely out of place in their old neighborhood, and her face had burned with shame as their neighbors had looked on them with pity. But they'd sold everything else as quietly as they could, and now there was only the things they just couldn't manage to fit in the tiny U-Haul.
"But I can give your Mommy and Daddy back to you, little angel," the demon purred, catching Claire's full attention once again and shaking her free from her reminiscing. "All you have to do is ask, and your fairy tale life is yours again. Mommy and Daddy and you, happily ever after."
"And all it'll cost me is my soul?" Claire asked.
"It's a small price to pay for happiness, little angel." The demon extended his hand to her, and Claire looked at it. It was a small, neat hand; the man who owned it had taken care of it, probably even gotten a manicure every week. She could see her mother's blood under the fingernails.
She looked up, meeting the demon's black, black eyes and said the word she knew she would say if she ever saw the angel again.