TITLE: Excuse
dorksidefikerFANDOM: X-Men
PAIRING/CHARACTER/GENERAL SERIES: Victor Borkowski, Bobby Altman-Kaplan
PROMPT: 91. Paint
SUMMARY: Victor is inherently suspicious of Bobby’s motives.
WARNINGS: Mildly slashy?
NOTES: A That Damn Mpreg story.
DISCLAIMER: I own very little.
Victor Borkowski sat down on the stood, regarding Robert Altman-Kaplan with narrowed eyes. “How long have I known you?” he asked.
Robert looked away from the canvas he’d been setting up, one white eyebrow arched as he tucked a few stray strands of hair behind his ear. “Aside from when you were dead? My whole life.”
“Right.” Victor brought one leg up, resting his ankle on the opposite thigh. “So I know exactly what you’re like.”
“And you think my asking you to pose for me as part of a plan to seduce you?” Robert asked. “The thought had crossed my mind, but then Aiden latched on to you, and I don’t feel like dealing with an angry speedster with a magic staff. Now, off with the clothes, please. I may not be able to touch, but I can look.”