Title: Progeny
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Table/Prompt: 72. In My Life
Character/Pairing: Jono Starsmore, Lear Frost
Rating: PG
Word Count: 180
Summary: In which Jono is finally confronted with one of his past indiscretions.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own very little. A That Damn Mpreg story.
Jono watched the black haired man settle on the couch, watching him right back, and tried to find some trace of himself there. But honestly, all he really saw in Lear Frost was his mother Cordelia, and maybe a bit of Emma about the mouth. Maybe there was some of him in the dark brown eyes, but otherwise…
“This was Zeke’s idea,” Lear said. “I’m not… look, no offence or anything, but I had parents, and I love them, and you’re…”
Just the sperm doner? Jono suggested, causing Lear to look sheepish as he nodded. Don’t worry, ain’t gonna force any kind of relationship on you.
Relief flashed across Lear’s face. “Not that you don’t seem great and all,” he added quickly.
Gee. Thanks.