Title: Alone
dorksidefikerFandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/8. Silence
Character/Pairing: Billy, Bobby
Rating: PG
Word Count: 339
Summary: In which Billy has a little talk with his son, who is being creepy.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own little. A That Damn Mpreg story.
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Comments 17
...Gotta say, I kind of wonder how those appointments with the child psychologist went. Did they get a proper one, or did they find out a few sessions in that the psychologist had been kidnapped and replaced by one hostile alien or another?
1: Replaced with a Skrull
2: In the pay of the Shi'ar
3: Mind controlled by an evil mutant organization
4: Got a book deal based on being the Altman-Kaplan family psychologist. They did NOT take that well.
5: Was always a Skrull. Tried to use his new position to his own advantage before being found out.
6: Saw them once, found out what had happened to the others, and suggested they go to someone else.
7: Killed by the Shi'ar after refusing to divulge the kids' secrets.
8: Skrulls. Again.
9: Quit after five sessions.
10: Saw them once. The family then discussed their track record and decided not to inflict themselves on the poor soul.
Which one was this particular psychologist?
New lurker thinks Bobby is adorably creepy, but notices he has finger pints instead of prints...
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