Title: Eoin
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 3/66. Complicated
Character/Pairing: Megan/Nezhno
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 324
Summary: In which things draw to a close, and a new life comes in to the world.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Sequel to
Center of Attention.
Megan sat next to the bassinette, looking down at the little green wrapped bundle inside. She started into the distance, hands shaking slightly. “ohgod.”
She was sort of aware of the door opening and closing, and a large, dark skinned hand resting on the side of the bassinette. She barely glanced up at Nezhno, who was looking down at the baby. “Megan?”
“What am I gonna do now?” Megan asked. “I don’t know what to do!”
“Love him?” Nezhno suggested. “Ms. Frost says she will make sure he is cared for.”
“I thought this was gonna be the easy part. And his name is Eoin,” she said softly.
Nezhno’s look of bemusement managed to drag a giggle out of Megan. “That makes… no sense,” he said. “The English language is very, very strange.”
“It’s a perfectly good name,” Megan said grumpily. “I like it, and it’s not like you were making any suggestions. Also, it‘s Welsh, not English.” She picked up a teddy bear and chucked it at his head. It bounced off, and Nezhno caught it before it could land on Eoin. “He’s cute.”
Nezhno looked down. “He is wrinkly,” he said honestly, “and small. And strangely colored. And I think they are supposed to cry more.”
“He’s sleeping, and he’s adorable.” Megan shot him a dark look.
“I- yes. He is adorable,” Nezhno agreed quickly.
“So, you’re not dead yet. Are you actually going to be a dad, or are you gonna keep being… you?”
“You say that as thought there is something wrong with me.”
Megan gave Nezhno another look, then shook her head slowly as the baby slept on.