Title: Lights
dorksidefikerFandom: New X-Men
Table/Prompt: Table 3/37. Grin
Character/Pairing: Megan/Karolina
Rating: PG
Word Count: 243
Summary: It’s a girls night out.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“We should so do this again,” Megan giggled, mostly hanging off of Karolina. The young alien put an arm around the girl’s waist to steady her, nodding in agreement. “Yeah,” Megan went on, “this was fun!”
Megan slipped away, swaying drunkenly as she danced to the music only she could hear, grinning brightly. She had the kind of sweet grin that most girls Karolina had known would kill to have. Karolina found herself grinning back, reaching out to steady Megan before she fell.
“You have pretty lights,” Megan said, still giggling uncontrollably.
“Thanks,” Karolina said, heat rising to her face. She was starting to wish that she hadn’t drunk as much as she had; the world was all fuzzy and warm and refused to entirely make sense.
“Lets fly!”
“I think we’re too drunk to fly.”
Megan thought the statement over, pouting slightly when she realized Karolina was probably right. “I can teleport drunk,” she pointed out.
“Come on, lets see if we can just manage walking.”
“Wanted to see the lights some more,” Megan mumbled, suddenly leaning heavily on Karolina. She smelled like some kind of strawberry lotion, and some of her body glitter rubbed off on Karolina.
“Later,” Karolina promised, staggering a little under the sudden weight.