Title: Forbidden Fruit
dorksidefikerFandom: X-Men
Prompt: Table A/16. Strawberries
Character/Pairing: Jono
Rating: PG
Word Count: 242
Summary: Jono doesn’t even like strawberries.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. You all should know this by now.
The thing was, Jono didn’t even like strawberries. In fact, they ranked right up there amongst his lease favorite foods. He’d always liked his sweets to come in cane sugar form. Still, he couldn’t look at the bowl of strawberries set out in the kitchen without a twinge of desire. Likely just because he couldn’t have any strawberries ever, even though he didn’t like them.
Emma had suggested that he pull the sensation of eating a strawberry from the mind of one of the others with a smile that made what was left of his internal organs tie themselves into knots. But the idea of mucking about in someone else’s head worried him immensely. What if he got it wrong? What if he did to someone’s mind what he had done to his face? The idea filled him with dread. Emma looked at him with condescension when he’d explained that, but she seemed willing to let it be.
This left Jono watching those ripe red strawberries with no small amount of fear. They became everything he couldn’t do anymore, all the things he couldn’t have because of his fear.
Finally, he took the lush red fruit and flushed it down the bog.