Title: Needles
Fandom: Ultimate Spider-Man
Table/Prompt: Table 4/11. Needles
Rating: PG
Word Count: 192
Summary: Jessica isn’t too thrilled with the idea of getting her ears pierced.
“Ow ow ow ow ow!” Jessica whimpered, eyes squeezed tightly shut. She ignored the screaming of her Spider-Sense as Gwen hit her shoulder with an open hand, and she cracked open an eyelid. Gwen held up the needle, which she had been holding up to a lighter’s flame.
“I haven’t even gotten near you with it yet,” the blonde said flatly. “Keep the ice on your ear. This won’t hurt.”
“It’s a needle going right into my flesh,” Jessica pointed out. “How can it not hurt.”
“Trust me,” Gwen said. “You sure you just want two?”
“I don’t need twenty earrings, Gwe-” Her Spider-sense shrieked again, but Jessica ignored it, and Gwen jabbed the needle into the lobe of her ear. “Ow!”
“Big baby. You’re worse than Peter.” Gwen rolled her eyes, pressing a hydrogen peroxide soaked cotton ball to the new hole, reaching for the little gold stud at the same time. She stuck it in quickly. “Okay, time for the next one.”