A Hero’s Welcome

Dec 31, 2010 13:37

Title: A Hero’s Welcome
Author: dorksidefiker
Fandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/94. Grim
Character/Pairing: Tommy, VOLSTAGG!, Hildy, Billy, Kevin, Mick
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 684
Summary: In which Tommy gets a taste of life in Asgard.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Tommy was surprised to find that there was a mountain taking up the space that had once been a doorway. He looked up, past yards of pink fabric into a bushy red beard. Taking a few steps back allowed him to actually see the face hidden amongst all that red hair. Tommy knew who the man mountain before him was; Volstagg the Voluminous, the Lion of Asgard. The guy who’d fought the U-Foes in Chicago and kicked off Osborn attacking Asgard. He looked down at Tommy with beady dark eyes, studying him. “You are the one they call Speed?” he asked. “The one who saved all those people?”

“Yeah,” Tommy said cautiously.

Volstagg reached out, one enormous hand clasping Tommy’s shoulder. “I owe you a great debt,” he said. “Anything you want of me, it is yours, young sir! The Lion of Asgard is at your service!”

Tommy stared at the hand on his shoulder, then up at the smiling Asire’s face. “You don’t owe me anything,” he said. “I was just - I dunno.”

“If it weren’t for you, my Hildy would be dead. There is no repaying what I owe you, even if you believe I owe you nothing.” He started walking, managing to move Tommy along in front of him. “You are a hero, and deserve to be treated as such! We are celebrating the new alliance between Asgard and Midgard, and there are many in my feasting hall who should like very much to see you there!”

“Party? Cool.”


“I. Love. Meade!” Tommy announced, draining yet another flagon of the drink. He’d lost count of how many flagons he’d drained; almost as soon as he finished one drink, he was given a refill. People were happy to see him, wanted to talk to him. It was a good thing his metabolism was so insane. Volstagg was a constant presence, introducing him to people, plying him with food and drink. Bright Fandaral and grim Hogun were also constant presences, moons moving in Volstagg’s orbit.

“Now where is that -- HILDY! HIIIIIILDY! Rolfe, have you seen -- Ah! There you are!” Once more, Tommy found himself swept up in Volstagg’s wake, ushered over to a group of younger Asire who promptly fell on Volstagg with delighted cries. It wasn’t hard to work out that the hord were Volstagg’s children; all bore a distinct resembling the large warrior, save possibly two. “Ah, my poppets! We have a hero amongst us today! No where -- ah, thank you, friend Hogun!”

The dark, mustachioed Asire ushered one of the lot forward, a tall red head with her hair held back by a golden circlet. The topd of her head almost reached Hogun’s shoulder, meaning she towered over Tommy. Aide from the mane of red hair, it was hard to see the resemblance to Volstagg; the girl was built, like She-Hulk of Valkyrie type built. She looked at Tommy, her face going nearly as red as her hair, then looked away.

“Hildy, come here and say hello!”


Billy found himself being tumbled out of bed at godawful o’clock in the morning. Tommy loomed over him, smelling like booze and goat, looking wild eyed. “IneedtoknowallthatNorsecrapthatyouknow!” the speedster said, clasping Billy’s shoulders and shaking him.

“Are you drunk?” Billy groaned.


“She hasn’t said two words all night,” Kevin whispered to Mick, his eyes on their foster sister.

“This isn’t like her,” Mick mused to his twin. “Think she’s sick?”

“Do you remember the last time she couldn’t seem to get more than a few words out?” Kevin replied, grinning as Hildy dug into a pile of roast boar that she had liberated.

Mick’s face brightened in an evil little grin. “Ooooh. You don’t think…?”

“It would certainly make Father Volstagg happy. I think he likes that guy more than anyone else here.”

hildy, volstagg, marvel, wiccan, kevin, young avengers, mick

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