Title: MIB
dorksidefikerFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/92. Trap
Character/Pairing: Karolina, Noh-Varr
Rating: PG
Word Count: 280
Summary: In which Karolina is reminded of why she doesn’t trust the government.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Takes place at some point during S.W.O.R.D.
“You can’t do this!” Karolina cried. “I’m an American citizen! I was born here!”
The people in blue didn’t answer her. Not even the one who had tersely informed her that she was being deported back to her home planet. After that, they had ignored her. Like she didn’t matter. Like she wasn’t even there.
“Majesdane doesn’t even exist anymore!” she protested. “It was destroyed!” She tugged at the collar around her neck, which kept her from blasting her way out.
“Stop ignoring me!”
“They won’t answer.”
Karolina finally looked beyond the men escorting her in to the little cell, to the one across the hall.
“Me,” Noh-Varr said. “Not my fault this time. They’re deporting me, too.” His lips quirked into a cynical smile. “I’m not even from this reality.”
The door closed behind Karolina, fusing in to one solid piece with the wall, and she sat down heavily on the hard bench that was the cell’s only furnishing. Her head dropped into her hands, long blonde hair falling around her face like a curtain.
“Did they get the Skrull, too?”
“Xavin’s gone,” she mumbled. “Already gone. Oh God.” She looked up. The white haired Kree was watching her. She had to get out… and he was looking like her best chance of escape. The look on Noh-Varr’s face said that he knew it too, and he didn’t like it.