Title: Another Fine Mess
dorksidefikerFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/42. Sink
Character/Pairing: Victor, Chase
Rating: PG
Word Count: 173
Summary: An irritated Nico sometimes does some very mean things.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“You had to tease Nico about her shoes,” Victor muttered, glaring murderously at Chase. “You had to open your big fat mouth.”
Chase pulled off his shoes and dangled his feet over the side of the raft as it bobbed on the bright, blue-green water. His nose was already turning red from the sun. He raked his hands through his hair, frowning. “She could’ve let me have my hat.”
“I’m going to drown you,” Victor went on conversationally. “It’ll be for the good of life-kind, you understand?”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah.” Chase flopped onto his back, folding his hands behind his head. After a few moments, he threw an arm across his eyes in an effort to block out the glare of the sun.
“What now?”
“We’re sinking.”
“So the torment ends. Thank God.”