Title: Observation
dorksidefikerFandom: Marvel
Characters: Trauma, Pixie
Prompt: Table 1/43. Hands
Word Count: 168
Rating: PG
Summary: He’s watching her hands.
Warnings: None.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Megan Gwynn had thin, quick, long fingered hands that moved constantly when she talked, like two pigeons that never quite came in for a landing. The skin on her hands was smooth and soft looking, but there were calluses that looked pretty recent to Terry. He found himself watching those hands as Megan talked, like if there was a moment of silence, she might explode. She seemed perfectly fine with Terry’s lack of replied, and Terry was fine with letting her talk.
In the dark corner of the young mutant’s mind, Terry saw two demons. One was blonde, and possessed a terrible beauty, and she laughed and mocked. The other was awful and feral and looked uncomfortably like the girl sitting in front of him.
Instead of that, Terry focused on Megan’s small, graceful hands.