Title: No Kind of Understanding
Fandom: X-Men
Characters: Sam Guthrie/Victor Borkowski
Prompt: 54. Rough
Word Count: 322
Rating: PG-13/R
Summary: Victor doesn’t think that this is going to lead to any further understanding.
Author's Notes: Written for the
marvel_kink meme.
Victor hated to admit it, but when it came to this particular power struggle, Sam Guthrie had the upper hand. This came as a complete surprise to the younger man, since he never would have pegged Sam for anything other than straight.
Of course, the fact that they were even having sex probably should have been a bigger surprise to him, but Victor had learned by now to just roll with the proverbial punches along with the literal ones (which they had been throwing not long before).
That was the fault of Dani Moonstar. Getting them to try and resolve their differences was her idea, and Victor had agreed to try because Xi'an and Dani had been two of his favorite teachers. Sam had been more or less blackmailed in to it, something involving Sam making up for "being a complete jackass and leaving me locked up like I couldn't take care of myself."
Victor got the impression that whatever had happened after Magik had shown up, it had gone pretty badly.
In any case, Dani had sat them both down in a room together, informed them that if either so much as budged a toe outside until they'd come to some kind of understanding that she would end them, and left them to it.
Things had quickly degenerated into a fist fight, and one that Victor had thought he'd had a decent chance of winning as long as Sam didn't turn on his powers.
What he hadn't expected was the kiss, which had been followed by groping and fumbling and pants disappearing.
Somehow, he didn't think that this would lead them to any kind of mutual understanding.