Title: Fine Line
dorksidefikerFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/85. Hate
Character/Pairing: vaDanti, deHalle/vaRikk
Rating: PG
Word Count: 259
Summary: In which vaDanti asks uncomfortable questions.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
“So do you hate him now?” vaDanti asked deHalle. “Your boyfriend, I mean?”
deHalle blinked, uncomprehending, as she stared at her little brother. “What?”
“Cause I really liked him, and I thought you two were happy together, and…” vaDanti rambled on, a blush rising to his face. “He was so much nicer than the last one, and you know our parents have been making ‘we want grandchildren’ noises and they were FINALLY off my back when you brought him home…”
“Little brother, I am not here to shield you from them,” deHalle replied, feeling faintly amused as she watched her brother squirm with embarrassment. “And I won’t date someone just because you want the parental heat off of you.”
She didn’t want to think about vaRikk. She had liked him, maybe enough to have settled down with him. But ‘maybe’ wasn’t enough to build a life on, and vaRikk… she didn’t even know what was going through his head most of the time. Anyway, with the Skrulls as an ever present threat…
“So have you, tried bringing someone-” deHalle was cut off by the alarms blaring, drowning everything else out.
“What’s going on?” vaDanti asked, his voice cracking as he tried to make himself heard over the alarms.
“It’s the Skrulls,” she said, feeling as though she’d been punched in the gut. “They’re attacking.”