Title: Escapist Behavior
dorksidefikerFandom: Runaways
Table/Prompt: Table 1/78. Kitchen
Character/Pairing: Karolina/Xavin
Rating: PG
Word Count: 181
Summary: Karolina’s trying to find something to do so she doesn’t have to think any more.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Karolina knew that there wasn’t anything she could do to get Xavin back, at least not yet. She’d harassed Victor and Chase until they had both assured her that no neither the Leapfrog nor anything else in the garage could possibly catch up with the Majesdane ship, so she really needed to stop asking.
So instead, she went into the kitchen to clean it up. vaDanti had left it a complete wreck, so cleaning it up would be an excellent way for her to keep her mind off the fact that Xavin was probably going to her death, if she wasn’t dead already.
Karolina threw up in the sink twice. The second time was because of something completely groady that had been hidden behind the fridge. Very gross.
She chose to focus on that instead of anything else.