Title: A Matter of Survival
dorksidefikerFandom: Young Avengers
Table/Prompt: Table 2/58. Survive
Character/Pairing: Cassie Lang, Victor Mancha, Karolina Dean
Rating: PG
Word Count: 334
Summary: She’s not sure if she’s ready to break her cover.
Authors Notes/Disclaimer: I own nothing. Part 26 of
Bitter Homecoming.
Cassie Lang slipped away, completely unnoticed, milling over what she had learned. She wasn’t sure what she wanted to do with information; go to the X-Men and spill the Skrulls’ battle plans? Or keep silent and stay the hell out of the way?
She wondered if what she was doing was a mistake, clinging to the clothes of a Skrull that had turned out to be Karolina’s son (and boy, hadn’t that been a surprise to her), watching and listening to everything that happened around them both. She’d been terrified that Victor would notice her, even though she was so small that she was invisible to all but the most sensitive of sensors. Jonas could detector, she was sure, but could Victor?
Apparently not -- that, or Victor was choosing to keep quiet.
And now Cassie was faced with a decision. She had survived this long by staying unnoticed. She’d lived when so many others had died. Was she ready to risk her survival in order to take sides against people that she still thought of has friends?
She honestly didn’t know.
Victor pulled Karolina aside as soon as the Skrull she took so much interest in left, speaking to her in hushed tones. “I don’t know who he is to you. I don’t want to know. I don’t care about that, or why you’re so twitchy about letting him near our Fearless leaders, but he needs to be on the flagship yesterday.”
Karolina jerked away. “You want me to send him into -- why?” she demanded.
“Do you trust me?”
The blonde gave her friend a quizzical look. “I. Vic, you’re my friend-”
“It’s important, K. Trust me on this.”