Title: All the Ways To Die
Fandom: MC2
Characters: Darkdevil, The Buzz
Prompt: 49. Drown
Word Count: 237
Rating: PG
Summary: There are better ways to die.
Disclaimer: I own nothing.
Notes: I never have anything to say here.
My Table Reilly Tyne had faced the possibility of his early death more times than he could count, so much so that he thought (or at least, he liked to think) that he was fairly jaded when it came to the idea. Still, there was something incredibly horrific about the idea that he was about to drown in sewage, kept from teleporting away by the same magically forged shackles keeping him from just swimming upwards and climbing out.
He tugged futiley at one of the rings around his ankles, a simple brass ring that was connected to the concrete by a short chain, trying to pry it loose, or break it, or find a way to unenchant the brass, anything get free, to survive.
His lungs were burning from holding his breath.
Of all the ways he could die, this had to be the lamest.
“Darkdevil? You there? Oh shit!”
A second body joined him in the sewage, swimming down and actually pulling the chains loose from the concrete before wrapping an arm around Reilly and swimming upward, into the disgusting air.
Reilly had never been more glad to see the Buzz in his life.