TITLE: Alien Worlds
dorksidefikerFANDOM: Runaways
PROMPT: 59. Lush
SUMMARY: It’s not so bad, even if they are stranded.
WARNINGS: Fem-slash
NOTES: Hrm. I got nothing.
DISCLAIMER: I also OWN nothing.
Karolina lay back, inhaling the vaguely bubblegum-ish smell of the grass. Xavin had stretched an arm out to pluck a ruby red fruit from a tree. “As far as getting stranded on alien worlds go, this isn’t too bad.”
Xavin sniffed the fruit, then bit down. “I’d rather be somewhere civilized,” she said, “but there’s fresh water, and the climate seems hospitable.”
“Like I said,” Karolina said. “That any good?”
“Spicy,” Xavin commented, tearing off a piece of the fruit and holding it out to her. Karolina nibbled delicately on the lush alien fruit, licking some of the juice from Xavin’s fingers.
“That might be good with honey,” she mused. “Like that chocolate that has the hot peppers in it? Do you think this planet has something like that?”
“Most planets do.”